Guild Wars 2 is getting ready to release The Realm of Dreams next week, and the second big update for Secrets of the Obscure will open a new zone, continue the Kryptis invasion story, introduce new weapon proficiencies and feature a refresh of the Wizard’s Tower, along with new rewards.
ArenaNet has shared a preview of what is coming to the Wizard's Tower rewards stash in a new video. Featured are items like the Solar Astrolabe weapon set, the first part of the Skysage’s Armor set, and a new Leaf glider. But the showstopper here for many is going to be the Cat Tree Chair.
If you’re a cat fan, Guild Wars 2 has plenty of kitty items and fun to explore, but this just might be the most delightfully over the top addition, and for those who own Secrets of the Obscure, your chance to get it is almost here. It’s a cat tree, with assorted decor elements that honor our favorite feline companion (though Rangers have some options there), designed at various heights like a cat tree. There are a couple of platforms, a cat rug underneath, and even a food bowl and plushie.
Of course, ANet couldn’t forget the cats. So there they are, in different relaxed, playful positions on all levels of the cat tree, from loafing about to playing. In the center of all of this is a seat for your character to make themselves comfortable sitting amongst the kitties.
Over on Reddit, a commenter observed “I love how the music gets the most intense and sinister sounding right when we see the cats”. GW2 composer Maclaine Diemer responded, saying “This is the most joy I've ever gotten out of how my music has been used to promote something for the game”.
The Realm of Dreams will be live on February 27th.