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Guild Wars 2 Previews New Kaineng City, a Jade Tech Marvel of a Metropolis in End of Dragons

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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Now that we know End of Dragons is coming on February 28th, ArenaNet is continuing to unveil some more of what awaits us all in this expansion for Guild Wars 2. The latest is an introduction to New Kaineng, a city in the heart of Cantha.

The preview video for New Kaineng City continues the presence of jade tech and its clear importance in all of the content to come. The city is large and bustling, full of high levels, buildings, and lots to discover. We see a river complete with boats, merchants, people gathered around in the streets of the metropolis called “a city of the future”. This is reflected in the many marvels, tech advances, and both devices, automatic gates, and even jade enhanced creatures roaming around. 

In earlier previews, we were introduced to the Jade Sea and its frozen bounty. A travel route and a mineable resource that many things derive power from. It is a large part of why these technological advances are possible, and we’re going to be learning much more about it. The team revealed its February streaming schedule recently, and one of the upcoming streams will focus on jade tech mastery. 

Before we get to that stream on February 11th though, we have tomorrow’s stream that will give the New Kaineng City map tour and a larger introduction to the highlights, technical marvels, and even the dangers awaiting here. As the video preview states, “change is coming” and there will be significant challenges. This is, of course, where you are the one who gets to dive in and see what part you can play. Tomorrow’s stream will reveal some of what New Kaineng City is about, so you can tune in to that at noon Pacific over at the GW2 Twitch channel.

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons will unravel all of the rest of those secrets once it arrives at the end of the month. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.