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Guild Wars 2 Balance Update is Looking to Tame Overpowered WvW Survivability

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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Guild Wars 2 is getting its next professions balance update on February 11th, with a focus on knocking down a bit of the too-powerful survivability for support in WvW. 

We can expect changes for the various professions, toning down boon applications, a change to barrier, and more tweaks. The team shared their plans for the update in a new forum post intended, as usual, for community input. 

The Elementalist got previous changes that improved performance in PvE, so the new update is mostly some light changes to bring some of the potential builds in line competitively. Changes include some slight damage boosts for the spear, and to Warhorn to make it a better support weapon, at the cost of some damage.

Engineer is one of the targets faced due to OP support capabilities. Support-based scrappers get cut to the barrier amount they can put up. Duelist Holosmiths get healing and synergy changes and the spear gets a few small, more user-frendly, improvements.

Guardian, also a trouble spot on the WvW OP list, will see longer cooldowns on Willbender’s movement abilities. This is intended to make it more of a deliberate choice between engaging and disengaging in battle. There's also a change coming in PvP, in the form of a reduced amount of area damage.

Mesmer is showing OP in both PvE and WvW, so there are some damage reductions to look out for.

Support-based scourges are why Necromancer is also too good in WvW. Expect longer cooldowns to tamp down their output. Damage-focused builds will get increased damage and boon removal abilities.

Rangers are having kind of the opposite problem in WvW, their pets are falling too easily. The update will reduce the penalty when your pet is defeated. There will be some damage increases and a new way to strip boons using Untamed, along with spear adjustments. 

Revenant is also getting some boon nerfs, along with other tweaks. Herald Is too consistent, so  expect some damage tweaks, and adjustments to boons in WvW. 

Thief is getting some WvE changes to balance stealth and mobility. Similar to the Willbender Guardian tweaks, expect some initiative cost increases to make you choose and potentially be vulnerable to counter pressure.

Finally, Warrior will get some changes to smooth out Rifle gameplay and improvements for bladesworn and berserker. Warrior will also be one of the classes getting help to take down boons more efficiently in WvW.

Now it’s your turn to weigh in before the changes go live.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.