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Grab a Closed Beta Code

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The Chrono Tales team has let us know that interested players can now grab a closed beta code for the second round of testing by visiting the official 'email beta' page. GMs will authorize a beta code for applicants in time for the second CBT.

(Ed note: Quote in the original form sent to us.)

With the good start of closed beta, Chrono Tales second closed beta is scheduled at 21:00 of Jan. 7th 2013 EST, in order to have full preparation for best game quality in final open beta. Maximum level is adjusted to level 60, two new systems will be added, free mounts will be given away, as well as a bunch of fabulous events will let gamers enjoy better gaming experience.

You can apply on the Chrono Tales site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom