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Goldilocks & the Three Producers

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The Zentia Online dev blog here at MMORPG.com has been updated with a new post for readers. This time the blog post takes the form of a bedtime story and is called "Goldilocks and the Three Producers". Penned by Associate Producer David Markowitz, you just have to read it to get it.

One day, they were getting ready to release an update to their fabulous game.  However, they were having trouble figuring out just how much information to tell their game community about this update.  They each wrote down a list of features and updates at their desks and then compared their notes.  After comparing, Papa Producer decided that he had written too much.  Mama Producer stated she had written too little.  And Baby Producer thought that he had written just the right amount but had eaten part of the paper, because afterall, he was a hungry baby.  However, none of the Producers were convinced that any of the lists were the best solution.  So they decided to take a walk in the woods to talk it over.

Read more here.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom