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Go Behind the Scenes With the Scars of Honor Devs on Making an MMORPG

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The Scars of Honor team has a new video that dives into their experiences making the MMORPG. It's a behind the scenes look at some of the requirements, trial and error, and a lot of the challenges that you can encounter when you take on a complex and layered project like an MMORPG.

The game itself actually began as a solo project, something that developer Venelin Vasilev started working on during off hours, and inspired by MMORPGs that he had  played and loved. Since then, things have grown, and a behind the scenes video like this shows off how they've continued working, learning, and improving on their work.

The team's goal was to “create a game that’s both purposeful and immersive” and one of their ongoing efforts has been to create and foster a strong community with a variety of players. This means more casual players, players who are busier and don't have as much time, more hardcore players who are in for the competition, and the MMORPG vets. In response, their vow is not to create anything pay to win, to not be predatory, and to be able to listen and respond to community feedback. A notable part of this is the role of playtesting, which has helped them progress in making their vision a reality. 

Over the past four years, the Beast Burst team has grown, and they take us through some of the improvements like having laid the foundation for the environments, the combat system, and even the difference between what they had for their build months ago and now.

Last fall, the devs held more playtests and discussed the changes they were planning, including combat system updates that would make combat more strategic and offer additional options for different builds and play styles. Shortly before that, they  made their first big convention appearance and showed off a number of improvements, with more promised this year. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.