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GirlzGameToo: Q&A and Preview

Dana Massey Posted:
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Candace and Jim Miller of GirlzGameToo were recently interviewed by Brian Perry Jr. The duo have set up a community website for female gamers and are running a very unique event in celebration.

Mayday is an event envisioned by Vyktor, the webmaster over at girlzgametoo.com. While the site is a community for female gamers (or men to better understand female gamers), it’s not some feminist society for the removal of men. Actually, it’s just a site thrown together to celebrate female gamers, much like the Mayday event. However the Mayday event really is more than a just some random celebration, it’s actually a well planned out gathering to make a statement.

The main purpose behind Mayday is to celebrate being a gamer. With all the negative publicity gamers have endured recently, from the Jack Thompson slandering of gamers as a whole to the now ancient “Hot Coffee” mod controversy, gamers really haven’t had anything positive to celebrate. This bothered everyone over at GGT, including Vyktor, so he started making plans to host a huge event across many different games to reach out to as large of a group of gamers as possible.

You can read the interview and see the full preview here.


Dana Massey