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Get Acquainted With Hermaeus Mora to Prepare for The Elder Scrolls Online's Necrom Chapter

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The Elder Scrolls Online is gearing up for the release of Necrom in June, and has a couple  of previews related to Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. There’s also a special guest this week on stream.

If the name Hermaeus Mora sounds familiar (and if you're an Elder Scrolls fan, it should), you may have already experienced his influence on Tamriel. In a new preview, the team goes into all of the ways that you can already meet with Mora and his followers in ESO. His followers already play an important part in the recently released Scribes of Fate DLC, which provided a memorable encounter with the Scribes of Mora in the Scrivener’s Hall dungeon.

You’ll be able to find his followers in the base game, as part of several zone quests. Complete those quests by helping his followers and you can get an audience with him. Examples of these quests are “Mistress of the Lake” and “Sunken Knowledge”. 

Another quest, “The Walking Dreamer” you get by investigating the Vile Manse public dungeon. Bring a group and battle through the dungeons and help Mora recover a powerful book.  Still more options are available, including a quest in Craglorn called “The Seeker’s Archive”. This one involves opening a secret shrine to Mora. Of course, doing something like this will not come without a ton of danger, so you'll probably want to put together a good group to take down the enemies. While it is group content, it is also possible to sneak around if you’re daring enough.

Finally, the preview mentions Scrivener’s Hall and the free Necrom prologue, “Eye of Fate”.  

There’s also a lore preview out too, this time ‘written’ by Mora’s emissary, Leramil the Wise, who you’ll assist in “Eye of Fate”.  This lore preview looks into one of Hermaeus Mora's many titles:

“Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate, goes by many cognomens including the One Who Knows, the Lord of Secrets, and the Master of the Tides of Fate. This latter appellation always intrigued me, so I decided to dig deeper into the origins of that particular title for the Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge”.

Finally, the Elder Scrolls Online team will have Mora’s voice actor, Wes Johnson, on their weekly ESO Live stream on Friday at 4:00 PM ET.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.