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Game Enters "Final Release Phase"

Jon Wood Posted:
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Mortal Online, a game that has already been delayed in its launch a number of times, may be one step closer to seeing the light of day as Star Vault announced in their most recent newsletter that they have entered their "final release phase."

With the release of the new patch on Thursday the 27th of May we have entered our final release phase. As you can see in the patch notes we have re-activated most of the systems that have been taken down. This was vital so we could ensure the functionality with the new versions of the Unreal Engine and ATLAS. There will be more (smaller) patches also coming during the final week before release. The bug tracker has been re-opened for beta testers/customers and we thank all of you who help us to secure a stable and optimized client/world.

Be sure to check our website regularly the coming week for announcements and some interesting updates.

For more information on Mortal Online, click here.