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'Fun In The Sun' Screenshot Contest Live Now in ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained

Winners announced August 25

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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If you like capturing screenshots, you may be in luck. You can apply your craft in the Fun in the Sun screenshot contest currently going on in ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained.

The screenshot contest will run until August 21, so you still have some time to participate. To enter, you just need to grab a screenshot from either game participating in the Blue Salt Festival, or alternatively just by being in proximity of the grounds in Sanddeep. You can enter more than once. To do so, enter on Twitter using #AABlueSaltFestival and either #ArcheAge or #AAUnchained to let the team know which game you’re playing. You can also submit on Facebook Note through the comments.

One winner from each game will receive the Archeum Garden of the Gods pack. Winners will be announced on August 25 on Twitter via DM, Steam, Facebook pages, and their blog. Be sure to check this official page for any additional rules and the all important terms and conditions before entering.