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Free Zone: Year-End Pot Luck

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com columnist Richard Aihoshi files his last column of 2009, taking a look at some of the various subjects that come to mind as the year comes to a close.

Richard Aihoshi

Since this is the last column I'll write in 2009, I'd like to take the opportunity to express my hope that all of you are having the kind of holiday season you deserve, and to wish 2010 will bring more of the same. As for what has caught my attention and been on my mind recently, I invite you to take a break from your festive feasting and to share some pot luck.

100K simultaneous users on a single server

This summer, I wrote a column discussing a couple of ways in which online poker might be seen as overlapping with MMOGs. To be clear, it would take quite a liberal interpretation of the category's boundaries to include poker. However, some interesting bases for comparison do exist. Another came up yesterday. The leading site, Poker Stars, attempted to break its own record for most players in a single buyin (pay to enter) tournament, which was set last year when 65,000 took part in a similar event.

Read Free Zone: Year-End Pot Luck.


Jon Wood