
Dark or Light

Free Zone: Who'da Thunk It?

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com's Richard Aihoshi returns to his Free Zone column this week to talk about three concepts or perceptions about the F2P side of the industry that may not be as true as we think they are.

Richard Aihoshi

Last week's column occasioned some responses that ran contrary to my opinion that relatively few people realize the first 12 words in Dickens A Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times", do not comprise the novel's entire opening sentence. For instance, one reader contended in the comments thread that I'd be surprised how many are familiar with the larger context. Frankly, I hope my assessment was inaccurate. It would be great if a major proportion of the general population or even of the online gaming audience is well read enough to know this.

In any case, I got to thinking about some things within the MMOG space and the free to play sector that, at least in my opinion, fall short of being universally known or even common knowledge.

Read Free Zone: Who'da Thunk It?


Jon Wood