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Free Trial

Jon Wood Posted:
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The makers of Meridian 59, Near Death Studios, has announced that as a celebration of their 10 year anniversary, they will be offering a trial of the game free of charge. This promotion runs from December 15th, until January 15th, so check it out.

Near Death Studios, Inc. is proud to announce that in celebration of 10 years online, we are running a one month free trial of our game, Meridian 59(R): Evolution.

Meridian 59 went live (alpha) on December 15th, 1995 and we are taking this time to allow anyone who wishes, to log into a special server and check out the game free of charge. We are proud to carry on the tradition of keeping the first commercially available MMO into its tenth year.

The trial server will run from December 15th, 2005 to January 15th, 2006 to let people see all of the additions we have made to the game. This is including our latest graphics update in which we've taken the Meridian 59 that was released commercially in 1996 and made it DirectX compatible. In addition, we've added such things as Mouselook, and rebindable keys to bring our game up to par with newer games in the industry.

We hope that you'll take the opportunity over the holidays to check out our trial, or post this news onto your website so others may have the opportunity.

To take advantage of this offer, click here.