Spatial-OS MMO, Fractured, is set to hold an open playtest for all registered users only May 28.
If you’re a backer, you can start the test early on May 26. If you’re not a backer but are a registered user with the game, you can hop in on May 28. Here’s how the schedule breaks out:
- Tuesday, May 26, 2pm CEST (8am EDT): access is granted to all backers, disregarding the type of pledge pack / founder pack.
- Thursday, May 28, 2pm CEST (8am EDT): access is granted to all registered users – no pledge needed!
- Monday, June 1, 10am CEST (2am EDT): the open playtest is over.
The test will comprise of those improvements and additions introduced in Alpha 2 – Test 2, along with several quality of life improvements including item stack splitting, crafting multiple items, faster movement speed on paved roads, and protection from monster attacks and damage after being knocked down.
The team also cites that proper death is also live. This means that if you die, you’ll leave a corpse which will contain all your inventory and equipment you had on you at the time of death.
Player militias will also be included and are a PvP mechanic. While in town, you can join one of four pre-defined militias. This will be character-based, not account-based. Once part of a militia, you can attack any other member of the other militias, but only outside towns and starting areas.
You can quit a militia whenever you want. Doing so will result in a three-day cooldown before you can join another militia. If you’re part of a guild, you cannot join or leave militias. Meaning, if your guild master joins or leaves a militia, the entire guild will follow suit.
Finally, Alpha 2 – Test 3 is set to arrive in June along with cities.