Fractured Online went through a series of unfortunate events over the past months post-launch. Now, the team at Dynamight Studios has their eyes set on the launch of their “Endgame Changer” update February 21st, 2024, with hopes that it, along with a marketing campaign, will start to turn their in-game population woes around.
At the end of last month, Fractured Online updated their player base with some good news that the Endgame Changer test opened for both solo players and groups. Now the developers are stating that the resounding success of their testing has greenlit the update to go live later this month.
In coordination with the update, Dynamight will also run their first marketing campaign. The team believes that this will be the way forward if they want to attract more players, and that the fact that they had never run a marketing campaign before, may be part of the reason the game has had a slow start.
In a video by CEO Jacopo Gallelli, he explains that this is the first major update to the game since release, and that there are some major changes to progression, PvE content, enchanting, QoL, and combat. You can watch the entire video from their YouTube channel below.
Fractured Online relaunched the game November 8th, 2023, and was subsequently marred with several issues that included a successful hacking attempt that destroyed all player cities, and a gold dupe that required a minor rollback and the removal of 23 million in duped gold. With the launch of Endgame Changer, we’re hoping that Fractured Online and their new marketing attempt will bring players back to the game and the 8 person development team at Dynamight Studios.