On November 20th, Fractured Online will go free to play, with an update that will launch Season 1 and a series of improvements.
The new seasonal model and the relaunch as a F2P game is being done because the buy to play box price $15 or equivalent in most regions, isn't a significant part of the team's revenue and serves as a barrier to growing the game. The market is competitive, and they believe that removing this barrier can help them with acquisition.
Those who bought the game will get a free month of VIP time as compensation, except for those who have the Founder pack that already provided lifetime VIP. Those buyers will get the value of their purchase in Dynamight coins to use in the shop. The shop and an optional subscription will be the only new sources of revenue. They are not planning any changes to the store or to VIP, promising no pay to win stuff. Founder packs will be renamed to Supporter packs. They’ll be available to offer some perks, particularly VIP and coins for a slightly lower price as a bundle.
There are several improvements on the way in addition to recent updates that added a slate of additional content to the game in line with the roadmap they shared not long ago.
Between now and the November 20th F2P launch, guild alliances will be added this week. seasons are being worked on and everything is running on time for the transition. The backend has gotten upgrades so that any crashes can be resolved quickly and without data loss. With such a big change on the way, the team will be sharing more info as we get closer.