Weather systems get a big overhaul in the latest Foxhole update. Update 57 not only extensively updates weather effects and structures, there's some new content and features as well for the ongoing multiplayer war game.
Originally, the weather systems in the game were added in the Winter Army update. Since then, the team has received a bunch of feedback on what they could do to improve, in addition to noticing that they wanted the weather systems to impact gameplay more. With these overhauls, the team also adapts weather features to all new content released over the years.
It started with Winter Army and snow storms get a boost with the return of a feature that lets lakes and rivers potentially freeze over. if a body of water freezes over now when you drive over it in a vehicle, the surface will start to crack. If you are driving a particularly heavy vehicle, you'll damage the ice very quickly. You can also take a large ship like a destroyer and crash through ice. In a submarine, you can travel below it. It's these types of considerations that the team is using to add dynamic weather effects based on what you're doing in the game.
An overhaul to rainstorms Is designed to affect the environments and also increase player agency. When a rainstorm happens, the water will start accumulating in places and your infantry won't be automatically encumbered by rain when they are walking over particular surfaces. they will be encumbered if they find puddles of water in certain places like the trenches.If you need to bail out your trenches, look for a shovel or a bucket.
With weather having an impact on gameplay there are several new weather structures to help your armies deal with and also to strategize around the impact of weather. Keeping warm out in the field is possible with a field range, a hearth you can place in a bunker, and even a weather station that lets you see what might be ahead. you can also chain multiple stations together for more accurate forecasts.
Also in the update are some new ships, the BMS Bowhead to carry a lot of resources and the BMS Ironside, which returns in an updated form. Some quality of life updates improve inventory, large ship travel, the ability to use binoculars in open top seats, and more improvements throughout.