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Forum Overhaul

Keith Cross Posted:
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As the one year anniversary of the launch of Pirates of the Burning Sea approaches, Flying Lab Software has taken the opportunity to overhaul the game's forums.

Our live forums have been running for just under a year now and, apart from a couple of newer additions, we’ve been using a layout and set of rules that were devised near the end of our beta period. They were created based on the data we had at the time – usage patterns that we were seeing on our beta forums. We also created our moderation procedures at that point, and we adopted vBulletin’s infraction system to make things manageable.

Since then, we’ve been very pleased with the community that has grown around Pirates of the Burning Sea. Our rules have worked reasonably well, but it has sometimes been difficult to maintain the tone that we’ve been aiming for, which is that of a place where players can interact in a friendly environment.

Now that we’re nearing our one year anniversary, we felt it was a good time to give the forums a full review to see what was working and what wasn’t.

Read more here.


Keith Cross