
Dark or Light

Fort Maintenance

Jon Wood Posted:
News 0

Dark and Light has released a new item on their official website. This item concerns fort maintenance as well as fort management:


Fort maintenance

Each fort will have a maintenance cost, to be paid on a set date. This cost will be assessed on the amount of resources (wood, stone, etc.) provided by holdings.

If there are not enough resources available in stock within the fort, some of its own structural components will be salvaged to finance its continued maintenance. If the fort does not have enough components left for this, it will fall into ruin

Thus, the owner of a fort will lose it, if he is not prompt enough regarding its maintenance.

Fort component statuses

The different parts composing a fort will weaken with every enemy assault.

Let’s take the example of a failed attack aimed at a fort. The enemy was repelled, however, if a tower has suffered 50% of damage during the battle, it will stay damaged until it can be repaired. Thus, this tower will still be at 50% of its total health if another attack is launched before the repairs can commence.

Enemy assaults will weaken the different elements composing the fort

Construction and repair

One does not only need to have the required competence and abilities to create a fort. In order to build, repair, and maintain it, material resources are also needed. Thus, as the potential owner will quickly find out, the presence of such resources in a close proximity to the fort will be essential to both building and maintaining his fort.

Resource collecting

Resources (wood, stone, etc) will have to be physically transported from the various holdings to the fort, using a drawn cart. For this, a player will use the cart as a mount. As a consequence, he will also be able to move freely, without having to follow a precise path to reach his fort.

Interfering with resource collection

As specified before, a fort can’t be repaired and may even deteriorate over time, if the owner doesn’t provide the necessary resources needed for its maintenance when the time comes to pay for it.

As such, one may interfere with the transfer of resources to prevent the fort owner being able to pay his maintenance and repair costs - resulting in the fort’s destruction in the long run.

As the cart will be driven by a player, it is possible to kill this player and to steal both the cart and the resources it contains. It will be also possible to attack the cart itself, thus destroying its contents.

For more on Dark and Light, click here.


Jon Wood