World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic will open up its first Fresh Start servers after the pre-patch arrives on Tuesday, August 30th. Both EU and NA will get one PvP realm with previously-announced special rules after the pre-expansion patch goes live.
The Fresh Start realms will offer Classic players the ability to start on an even playing field, either those joining Classic for the first time or who simply want to roll a new alt to play through the new expansion fresh. These special rules servers will have everything that comes with the update, but you’ll have to level into the content and, with everyone else in the same boat starting at level 1. Prospective Death Knights will have to reach level 55 first before being able to create one, so this is one of those things starting fresh will take more time to do.
Of course, the rate at which you level through Classic and into the Wrath Classic expansion is up to you and how much time you’ve got. Yet, the opportunity Blizzard is giving is intended to at least give a level playing field to start and have fewer players feel left behind (or have trouble finding others to group with for content).
For North America, the first Fresh Start server will be Skyfury (PvP), and for EU, it will be Thekal (PvP). With these servers do come additional restrictions, such as no transfers to a Fresh Start realm for at least 90 days after launch, which looks to mean after the expansion officially launches on 9/26.
Blizzard has said “at least” 90 days deliberately and hasn’t yet put a definite timeline on it. World of Warcraft players will have to wait on that if on the fence about starting fresh or might want to move a character to play with a friend on one of these special servers later. There’s also no boosting allowed on these servers, since that would go against the whole fresh start and even playing field intent.