While Final Fantasy XIV’s most dedicated players will waste no time introducing you to the game and its famous extended free trial, maybe you’re someone interested in starting a journey in Eorzea but unsure where to start. After so many expansions and twists and turns, heavy amounts of story content, and more systems, it can seem a little opaque. Square Enix has got you, since there’s a brand new official Final Fantasy XIV Starter Guide, with a series of video tutorials covering all the basics and extras to know.
The first video in the series (after an intro), Episode 1: The Adventure Begins, introduces us to some animated characters. New player Kaz is getting some pointers from Mayra on creating a character, how to use the map, and getting started on the game’s Main Scenario quests. Since this is ultimately a promotional series, the videos are easy to follow, and consist of these animated characters alongside in-game footage that illustrate the important points.
The second and third videos in the series cover things like unlocking class quests, tracking objectives, FATEs, inventory management, how to equip yourself with the best gear you can get, and training for party combat.
If you are well-versed in all things Final Fantasy XIV, this series isn't for you, but it's a pretty good tutorial for anyone who might be interested. There are currently seven videos, with the fourth and fifth covering forming groups in the Duty Finder, taking on your first dungeon, getting loot, challenging bosses in a trial, joining a Grand Company, mounts, and ultimately, yes, the free trial.
Final Fantasy XIV is still seeing growth and a dedicated community, so if you do need a little help getting started, the new series could be just the thing that convinces someone to jump into that oft-mentioned, sometimes memed, but generous free trial.
Head to the Starter Guide minisite over at Final Fantasy XIV.