Dark or Light

Final Fantasy XIV Celebrates All Things Feline For International Cat Day

The Moonfire Faire is back

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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It’s the small things in life that can put a smile on our faces, and bending over to pet a virtual kitty cat in Final Fantasy XIV is one of those small things. 

Today is International Cat Day, and to celebrate our feline companions, Final Fantasy XIV has brought them into the virtual world for cuddles and pats galore. The short features several different cats to pet and pat, and even one Miqo'te character who doesn’t seem to take the petting kindly. There are chonky cats, grey cats, striped cats, and more to meet and greet as we make our way through the world. 

If cute and cuddly companions aren’t really on the agenda for today, the Moonfire Faire has also begun, bringing rewards to earn and activities to take part in. Once we have hit level 30, we can enjoy all that the Moonfire Faire has to offer and attempt to earn the Namazu-themed emote. Start the event by heading over to Limsa Lominsa’s upper decks where the quest will bring us to Costa Del Sol to speak with Haermaga. 

If you want to face a real challenge, a nifty jump puzzle is available in Costa Del Sol to earn even more rewards and test your jumping skills.