Final Fantasy XI is getting its next update on January 10th. The Voracious Resurgence continues, Ambuscade rotations will happen, and there will be new objectives. The game is settling into its 21st year after a big 2022 marking 20 years.
The Voracious Resurgence will bring a number of new quests. According to the update from producer Akihiko Matsui, the story is reaching its final chapters. Chapter 10 will be part of next week’s update, followed by the 11th chapter coming in two parts sometime later. As for next week’s update, the story will pick up from where things left off last time, “ It opens up with us trailing the Destiny Destroyers in Movalpolos. There are plenty of twists and turns to uncover as we delve ever further into the secrets of just what makes Vana’diel the way it is”.
When it comes to the Ambuscade, the rotations happen regularly, but the team does work to offer fun and challenge when they are deciding on which rotations happen. This time, Matsui highlights the return of moogles and flans. The moogle battle will require multi-hit Blood Pact resistance. They may look cute, but make sure you're prepared to face them. The flan battle is based on a Japanese game, Fukuwari, a opular children's game played around the Lunar New Year. Similar to a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and is performed on a table where you have to put pieces of a face onto a blank face while blindfolded.
When it comes to the battle, things will play out a little differently, since the object here would be to get the right balance between physical and magical damage. If you can do that, it will increase the time that you can spend in the phase of the battle where you can deal increased damage. Rewards include “a special bonus monster as a New Year’s gift from us to you”.
Read the full update announcement at Final Fantasy XI.