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Fallout 76 XBox One B.E.T.A. Begins Today & Bethesda Proactively Warns of 'Spectacular Issues'

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Bethesda is ready to kick off the Fallout 76 XBox One B.E.T.A. later today and took to the airwaves late yesterday to both thank players and fans for their longtime devotion to the series. In addition, developers proactively warn testers that they are likely to encounter bugs and possibly "spectacular issues none of us have encountered" due to the game being the biggest ever created and that it is unlike anything the company has done before. 

We all know with the scale of our games, and the systems we let you use, that unforeseen bugs and issues always come up. Given what we're doing with 76, we know we're opening everyone up to all new spectacular issues none of us have encountered. Some we're aware of, such as areas where performance needs to improve with lots of players. Others, we surely don't. We need your help finding them, and advice on what's important to fix. We'll address all of it, now and after launch.

This seems fitting for the meaning of the acronym "B.E.T.A." or "Break It Early Test Application".

B.E.T.A. is open to XBox One players starting today. PlayStation 4 and PC players will start the testing process beginning October 30th. Participation in the B.E.T.A. is limited to those who have pre-purchased Fallout 76.

Learn more about B.E.T.A. on the Fallout 76 site. Click the letter below to read it in its entirety.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom