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Fallout 76 Will Receive Inventory Improvements January 26

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Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Inventory improvements are finally coming to Fallout 76 on January 26, along with various quality of life improvements.

Several improvements to inventory are on the way including an increase to stash, stack weight improvements, updates to the Pip Boy, and Vending Machine previews. Stash increases will increase the limit by 50% up to a max of 1200 pounds. Improvements to stack weight apply to any stackable item in your inventory. This means foods, chems, and ammo will now show their total weight in the Item Details.

Updates to the Pip Boy include the addition of three new tabs called New, Armor, and Food/Drink. The New table will track, well, any new items sorted by newest to oldest. The Armor tab will simply separate your armor from the rest of your items. Meanwhile, the Food/Drink tab will contain your food and drinks. These new tabs are meant to further separate your inventory and make things easier to find.

Finally, Vending Machines will display the number of legendary weapons and armor they’ll sell you. Also, empty categories will no longer be displayed, so that’s good. You can learn all about these updates here.