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Fallout 76 PTR Testing Legendary Crafting Changes

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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The developers of Fallout 76 are about to begin testing a new Legendary Crafting System in-game, but they are also adding a new feature for those who thoroughly enjoy customizing their home base.

The Legendary Crafting system is something that the devs say they have been trying to implement for a while now, but they want players to give them feedback on the current state of the new addition. They state:

“Our intention with the changes mentioned below is to give you a way to have more direct control over the Legendary Mods that are on your Legendary items. We believe this system will require time and iteration to get it right. So, while we’re providing this to you to test now, it won’t be released to the Live game until we believe that it’s ready.”

One of the key elements of the new system is Legendary Particles, which is the new crafting component. Using Legendary Particles, we can curate new Legendary Items at our workbenches to give us even more of an upper hand as we make our way through the wasteland. These Legendary Particles can be gathered by scrapping Legendary Items at the workbench or by trading with friends and strangers alike and then stored inside of our Scrap Stash for later use. 

As if this new major feature wasn’t enough, the developers at Bethesda also announced a new outpost located in the new part of the map that we can customize, but not before completing several insanely tedious and difficult tasks.

Completing mentally tasking escort missions will bring us to our new customizable homes, and continuing to complete these missions will allow us to expand and build upon our existing outpost. This is a nice feature to add in, as we now know we won't need to focus on buying another camp to be close to the new content