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Fallout 76 Hits 17 Million Players In Five Years, Talks 2024 Plans In New Blog

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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After celebrating its fifth anniversary, Bethesda revealed that the survival MMO now boasts over 17 million players. The developers at Bethesda have stated there is even more to come for Fallout 76 in 2024. 

In a recent blog post, developer Jon Rush stated,

“Arriving in Spring 2024, the second installment, Atlantic City - America’s Playground, features an additional mission in which players will confront the legendary Jersey Devil, along with new story driven quests, more areas to explore and, of course, plenty of rewards.”

On top of the second installment of the Atlantic City update (the first part of which just released this month), Rush mentioned that they will also be expanding the map southward into the heartland of Shenandoah. There will be new factions to discover, rewards to reap, and a questline to boot. 

As if these new updates weren't enough, Rush stated that they will also be focusing more on the Seasonal events within the game to bring even more content to the masses year-round. Though there has not been a lot of information released as of yet, Bethesda will also be adding updates and fixes for those who enjoy the building aspect of Falloiut 76. 

Fans of the Fallout franchise are sure to find new life in the survival MMO, and can follow alongside new characters, storylines, and moments to make memories with for years to come. Fallout 76 wasn't always the competent survival MMO it is today, with many disappointed by its rough launch five years ago. We learned a bit more about why that launch was so troubled in a recent interview with its quest designer, where he talked about how Bethesda's "hubris" got the better of them.


Sam Plaisance