's Phil James continues his "survivor" series of articles, focusing on the post-apocalyptic vistas of Fallen Earth and looking at the beginning stages of the game.
So far during my time in Fallen Earth I have managed to live up to the title of survivor, but that's it, just survival. I wouldn't say I have risen beyond my humble origins yet. After the fun and games of the tutorial and my misadventures of trying to attend the trivia night, it was time to knuckle down and get a few levels under my belt.
The game has an extended tutorial now. On release, players had the basic intro after which they were let loose to make their own way in the world. The game has since been updated to hold players' hands a little longer. In order to undertake this new content I set off back to my starting town of South Burb.
Read Fallen Earth Survivor Guy, Part Three.