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EverQuest's Latest Producer's Letter Announces New Time-Locked Progression Servers

Casey Bell Posted:
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Darkpaw Games’ head of studio Jenn Chann addressed the EverQuest community in a new producer’s letter released earlier this week. The letter provides a recap of the studio’s presence this year’s PAX East, reminds players about the game’s upcoming Flippy Fest event, and even announces a set of new time-locked progression servers. Oh, and Daybreak is also hiring, in case you’re an aspiring designer or software engineer.

Back to the fun stuff, how about those new progression servers?

The two new servers are Tormax, a traditional time-locked progression server and Teek, a random loot free-trade time-locked progression server. Try and say that three times fast. Both servers will have relaxed true-box, which will begin with traditional true-box rules and the easing of said rules over time. Both servers will also start with the Ruins of Kunark expansion already unlocked and further expansions to be unlocked at some yet to be disclosed regular cadence. The servers will launch this year on May 22.

Players eager to jump into the two new servers on day one can reserve their names beginning on April 24. Though, there is a small stipulation of having a minimum of 200 days of playtime to enjoy the privilege.