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EverQuest Shares Details For Its Updated New Year's Event, Which Starts Today

Joseph Bradford Posted:
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EverQuest is looking to shake off 2022 and herald in 2023 with a newly updated version of its in-game New Year's event. 

The event sees players team up with MC Tinkerton ad Pizmip Noddletod on the Plane of Knowledge to stop Turmoil from threatening the world. 

"Only one way to shake off 2022 and get ready for 2023...and that’s by bringing back the in-game New Year’s Event! Turmoil once again threatens to wreak havoc as we complete one more circle around the sun, so it’s back to the Plane of Knowledge to meet up with M.C. Tinkerton and Pizmip Noddletod. They’d certainly appreciate your help."

New this year is reminiscing about Fauma Reista's travels over 2022, which players can take part in by traveling to Froglok Outpost in the Rathe Mountains. Darkpaw says to "keep your eyes out for colorful lights" while visiting some of Reista's favorite places.

EverQuest is also seeing some in-game bonuses take effect, with a 50% bonus to rare respawn chances, as well as 20% off in the Marketplace. The event runs through January 21st, though the sales start on December 27th and only run through the third.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore