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EverQuest II Patch Brings Fixes for Events, Items, Quests

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The latest patch for EverQuest II brings about a host of fixes for events, items, and more to the long-running MMO.

Some fixes to events include a fix for What’s Love Got to Do With It which sees restless liches in Nektropos Castle: Love's Errand no longer hiding behind furniture or walls. Additionally, expect to see correct names for Bristlebane Day Merrymaker's weapon items and armor.

The patch also brings several fixes for items such as missing turquoise slots, El’Arad’s Cameo, and Phantastic Weapons which see several effects added including:

  • Phantastic Focus - Arcane Rending
  • Phantastic Flinger - Elemental Rending
  • Phantastic Heartpiercer - Anguish
  • Phantastic Eviscerators - Rending Torrent
  • Phantastic Hookblade - Devastation Strike
  • Phantastic Talon Club - Decisive Strike

The patch also introduces several fixes and adjustments to various quests, trade skills, and zones. You can check out the full patch notes here.