EverQuest II’s Head of Studio Jenn Chan has a brand new update on the progress the team has made since the release of a 2022 roadmap earlier this year. Chan reviews what they've delivered on and also announces upcoming features, including a brand new Time-Locked Expansion server: Varsoon and the arrival of the 64-bit servers.
The 2022 roadmap promised that Kaladim would see the Age of Discovery unlocked with the addition of new zones the Withered Lands and Skyshrine in January. This, along with improvements for the test server were both done. February’s server merge and the new Lore and Legend server, which turned out to be Kael Drakkel, were also goals met. March promised the Chronoportal Phenomenon, with updates for this event’s return. All of these happened as planned.
Now we've arrived in April, and game update 119, Coffers and Coffins, is on the way next week on April 12th. The update will feature season 4 of Overseer including changes to the Overseer minigame as well. There will be new heroic dungeons, collections, raids, and tradeskill content in the update. You can test out the update in open beta now.
In May, there will be a new Time-Locked Expansion server. Varsoon will work mostly like Kaladim but use the Free Trade ruleset. There will be more info coming on the intricacies of how this will work and a firm date soon.
Summer updates will include the 64-bit servers and new client, both of which are currently in open beta. The official upgrade is tentatively scheduled for July. Also in the summer will be new Pride familiars for the LGBTQIA+ Community which will debut on June 3rd for Pride Month.
Summer will also bring a number of returning events, including Tinkerfest, Scorched Sky Celebration, and Oceansfull Festival, which will all see new updates.
EverQuest II’s 19th expansion is already in the works as well, and although it's going to be a while before we get some reveals since the expansion should arrive late in the year, they're already working on it.
You can read the full Producer’s Letter here at EverQuest II.