EVE Online is ramping up for its Revenant expansion coming this November, and the team at CCP Games is breaking down some of the changes coming to its corporation projects, ship insurance additions, and more.
EVE Online: Revenant is slated to hit on November 12th, and with it should come a host of new changes, new ships, and a new damage type. In the first Revenant In Focus article series on the official EVE Online website, the team breaks down its upcoming additions to the corporation projects feature, starting with what it calls Expanded Project Parameters.
" With Expanded Project Parameters you can now create complex goals under a single project and without the need for a PhD in logistics! Gone are the days of creating separate tasks for each ship type or location, so now you can do more of what you do best, be a great leader!"
Notably, corporations will now have better in-game tools to track ship replacements for their pilots with the new Ship Insurance project type. Corporations can now automate the ship replacement process easily versus relying on third-party tools to track the project and manually replacing ships lost to war, attrition, and more.
EVE Online: Revenant will now allow projects to have deadlines as well, keeping projects flowing and capsuleers moving toward a target timeline. Participation Limits will, according to CCP Games, help to "more evenly distribute responsibilities" across a corp's membership, so that more pilots will have the chance to contribute across the breadth of project types.
I've always liked the idea of corporation projects - effectively ways for users to create quests for players in their group to complete. EVE, at its core, is a sandbox game where players effectively create the bulk of the content, and corporation projects can inject some much needed direction into the experience when not clashing in fleet battles, trucking space goods across the galaxy, or just spinning your ship in a station because you're too afraid to undock with it.
The team also highlighted changes coming to the SKINR tool for ships, implementing what looks like a uniformed livery for ships. Honestly, this is something I think I would love to see my corp implement when Revenant hits as I've always envisioned the SKINR tool as a way to unify a corporation's hulls, both to act as the role a battle flag might play in battles in years past, but also a way to visually identify each other on a battlefield outside the traditional "Reds and Blues."
You can check out all the details in the blog post.