After a holiday break, Stormhaven Studios has a new patch for Embers Adrift. This week's update adds a brand new dungeon, an update tol resists, and other fixes and tweaks.
While there are a whole slew of fixes this time around, the new dungeon is the shiny part of the update. For those who’ve been playing since launch and might be hungry for something new to dive into, the new dungeon is outdoors. Located in Redshore, the dungeon is called Exile Freehold. On a technical note, the team says that “This higher level zone shares the same server executable as Redshore Ridge but is not physically connected to it in any way”, so this might be helpful on demand. There isn’t too much detail in the patch notes about the new dungeon, but being that it is an outdoor location, those look to be something different for high-level players.
The rest of the update brings a bunch of new fixes as well as changes in response to community feedback. One of these changes involves how resists work. Citing feedback that they've gotten saying that “that resists are a worthless stat because it's not really "felt".” You basically have to be able to trust that it’s working.
What the team is doing to address this feedback is to add a full resist dice roll into combat calculations. However, they also want to make sure not to upend combat with something too powerful a change, this will be proportional. “We are simply setting the chance of fully resisting an effect's application to 20% of your resist value. For example: a character with +40 daze resist will have an 8% chance to fully resist the daze application” but if you don’t get a full resist, you’ll still get the 40% as it is now. This is simply a chance for a more noticeable effect now and then.
For more, read the notes and details over at Embers Adrift.