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Ember Sword's Dungeon Playtest Saw 42,000 Players Attempt Ultra Deep with Only 1% Successful

Shauk-ing Stats

Steven Weber Updated: Posted:
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Ember Sword has a lot to celebrate as their latest dungeon playtest has been a resounding success. The test took place between October 27th – the 29th, and was available across Europe, North America, South America, and Southeast Asia. Bright Star Studios accumulated some stats marking the successful conclusion, which details how many players took part, and the success rate of their difficult dungeon Ultra Deep.

The playtest's crowning challenge was the formidable boss Shauk, now immortalized by the team in a diorama that pays tribute to the “terror” it inspired in the hearts of players. The Ultra Deep event saw Ember Sword’s swell to a staggering 316,000 registered players, with 10,000 additional players joining just before the launch.

Bright Star Studios (BSS) dubbed this event "Dungeon Delirium," and touted the difficulty well ahead of the event. Of the 42,000 heroes who dared to delve into the Ultra Deep, only a small number of players actually made it to the boss. According to the statistics, 1,300 made it to the boss Shauk, and only 460 teams could claim victory over the Ultra Deep, underscoring how difficult the dungeon run actuall was.

Players averaged 4.8 dungeon runs, and had access to 4 different weapons. Those that were successful in completing the dugon had the opportunity to rank as the leader of the leaderboards and were rewarded with an in-game legacy—an NPC named in their honor. Currently the leaderboard shows some suspect numbers related to the top spots, but hopefully the completion time of 53 seconds is just a placeholder or due to an exploit of some kind.

With the playtest now in the rearview mirror, it will be interesting to see where the game goes from here. With Early Access slated for next year, and some balancing needed after Ultra Deep, 2024 will be a big year for Ember Sword.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.