Elyon’s latest update is heavy on class balance changes following the most recent server merges and additions to RvR. Kakao Games has also announced that support for the Spanish language localization and services will come to an end next month.
The latest round of updates ends several events that followed the recent server merges. It also opens up the ability to distribute clan funds again after the two week pause following the merges. The Quick Growth event and use of the Clan coin shop have ended.
The bulk of the update concerns class balance changes, and this follows recent shifts in adding RvR events, tasks and finding the sweet spot between competition and rewards. Five classes got balance changes, the Slayer, the Archer, the Elementalist, Assassin, and Gunner. Since the Slayer is a more recently added class, it makes sense that there will be some adjustments following the first month for players to play Slayers. Overall, most of the changes seem to make these five classes a bit stronger and more able to defend, while boosting them to be more viable on the whole.
Another announcement that is in line with the decision to merge servers and to integrate the player base some more is the upcoming end to all Spanish language support. Starting on April 6th, support will end for localization and translation, including for the website, and customer support.
Kakao’s announcement reiterated that support for Spanish had been included among the four languages that Elyon has been available in since closed beta –English, German, French, and Spanish–but their data shows that the use of the Spanish editions were “consistently low”, and such they’ve decided to shut it down and put the resources elsewhere.
You can read the full list of balance changes for classes and other update notes over at Elyon.