Frontier Developments is updating and confirming that September in Elite Dangerous will bring both the 4.0 access to all PC players as well as the console migration to PC accounts.
The team recently released a FAQ to respond to just how things will work when 4.0 becomes available to all PC users. There will still exist 3.8 for those that want to keep playing on that version, but all PC players will be able to access 4.0 and keep up with the new narrative chapter, Aftermath, and future story updates. Those who do own the Odyssey expansion, however, will be able to enjoy all of the content going forward.
Two version of 4,0 will thus exist, 4.0 (Horizons” and 4.0 (Odyssey), and These will all be instanced. So two players on different versions of 4.0 won't be able to play or interact with each other. Those without Odyssey will also not get access to certain features, like content that requires walking around.
Console players have been waiting for a couple of months now for an opportunity to migrate their accounts to PC (with a free copy included). Since Frontier ended active console development, this option will let those who are able to continue on PC to do so. These accounts will also be able to get access to 4.0. The console migration was dated for September a while ago, and the team has freshly confirmed that this is still when we can expect it to open up.
The team hasn't yet released exact dates or windows for both of these, but they will be coming. They promise there will be specific information for both of these events, including the date, release schedules, and other potential impact on availability or downtime.
You can read the full update over at Elite: Dangerous.