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Elder Scrolls Online Introduces Limited-Time 'Golden Pursuits' Challenges In Update 44

Do some stuff, get some stuff

Victoria Rose Posted:
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Elder Scrolls Online will introduce “Golden Pursuits” with Update 44, giving players limited-time challenges that will span many of ESO’s activities and give a variety of rewards. 

From how it’s described, Golden Pursuits seem like they’ll be long-term challenges that appear essentially anytime and anywhere the developers see an opportunity for one. The most closely similar system would be the daily and weekly “Endeavors,” but with more varying styles and lengths. 

“There may be anywhere from days, to weeks, to months in between them, and Golden Pursuits will vary in length when they are live,” the blog reads. “They're meant to be exciting, spontaneous events.” When a Golden Challenge becomes active, it’ll show up in the Announcement Panel, plus the Group and Activity Finder. 

The Golden Pursuits also won’t be a consistent style or even type of gameplay. They’ll range in anything from PvP to exploration to even a housing tour, with an aim to “highlight different parts of the game,” giving prizes proportionate to what the activity actually is. 

“To give a peek behind the curtain, Golden Pursuits are typically put together by a multidisciplinary group before launch” it’s explained. “We have data gathered from player feedback, and we review the performance of similar systems in ESO to inform the design and expected level of investment. Our goal is to make sure playing with an active Golden Pursuit is both exciting and rewarding.” 

It’s unclear if Golden Pursuits are paid events, part of the ESO+ subscription system, or paid otherwise, but it seems like it’ll be included as part of the base game update, so it’ll be available to all players in a way. 

While Elder Scrolls Online's Update 44 will launch October 28 for non-consoles and November 13 for consoles, Golden Pursuits won’t launch until mid-November (probably go let the consoles in on the fun). The update also brings an overhaul to Battlegrounds and more companions.


Victoria Rose

Victoria's been writing about games for over eight years, including small former tenures with Polygon and Fanbyte. She mostly spends time in FFXIV, head-deep in roleplay campaigns or stubbornly playing Black Mage through high-end raids. Former obsessions include Dota 2 and The Secret World (also mostly roleplaying). Come visit their estate: Diabolos (Crystal DC), Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 28.