just left the EA E3 Press Conference where two new tidbits of information were released. The first is that starships will be available to players. The second is that PvP will take place in "War Zones."
Not a great deal of information was released on either. The starships, we are told, will be similar to player housing in that they will be persnalizable and will serve as your character's base of operations. We were also told that this is how your player travels across the galaxy. What wasn't mentioned, however, is the means by which this is accomplished and the announcement should at this time in no way be construed as to be confirmation of traditional space flight and/or combat.
War zones, it would seem, are contested areas that pitt the Empire and the Repulic against one another in ground based PvP battle. The impression that I was left with after hearing what they had to say and the way that it was presented was that the War Zones would function in a style similar to Battlegrounds or Warhammer Online's scenarios. HOwever, as was the case with startship, this has not yet been confirmed.