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E3 2006 Preview

Dana Massey Posted:
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Danielle Vanderlip's final report from E3 earlier this month focuses in on Project Wiki. This youth oriented MMORPG is in development over at Webzen. Find out just how cute she thinks the game is.

Another title we got to get a little 'hands on' time at E3 was Project Wiki at the Webzen booth. It’s cute. I don’t mean, “Oh isn’t that cute let’s squish it cute”. I mean, it’s really really cute. It’s the kind of cute in a sort of twisted way that makes you want to get hands on and play a bit. It reminded me a bit of the kind of cute that attracted a lot of other gamers and me to Toontown Online of all games.

So what exactly is Project Wiki?

Project Wiki is an MMORPG with what Webzen terms as “classical cell-shaded cartoon style” in a very stunning world. There are three different races to choose from: human, fairy and beast. Each race has their own classes and there will be special missions and quests to unlock hidden classes. Characters can be highly customized from their hair color to their style to attitude to facial expressions. The world will react to your character as well with some pretty smart NPC interactions. There are also many civilizations to explore within the game as well.

Read more here.