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Dual Universe Shares Tips and Tricks on Nanocrafting

Quick tips video

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Dual Universe has shared some quick tips and tricks for nanocrafting.

Specifically, the clip takes a look at the interface on how specifically to access nanocrafting. Nanocrafting is described as helping you construct subcomponents for the use of elements by leveraging the in-game recipe system.

in case you missed it, the team shared a much larger update regarding Kickstarter as they recapped Alpha 3.1 and more. They described what exactly was reset with the recent wipe, which included:

  • Reset of the personal wallet (everyone restarts with a small amount of Quantas).
  • Reset of the planet landscapes and ore veins. 
  • Reset of the player coordinates.
  • Reset of the Talent Points (everyone restarts Talents from scratch).
  • Global wipe of all the Constructs in-game during Alpha 3.0 and before.
  • Players keep Blueprints that were already in inventory.

Additionally, Alpha 3.1 received several improvements to UI, with the current test underway until July 9. The post also touched on more frequent communication from the team to the community. You can check out the full update here.


Poorna Shankar