
Dark or Light

Dreamlords Races

Jon Wood Posted:
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As the people over at Dreamlords prepare for their beta phase, they have provided us with some information on the game's races, as well as some screenshots from the alpha stage of the game's development:


The battle for Elysion rages on

The development of Dreamlords is speeding up as the game nears its beta phase. This late in the production phase the team is working all hours to polish the details and quirks. In the midst of all the excitement we thought this would be a good time to release some tidbits of the asymmetric game play we have created in the process of bringing three unique races to life.

There are three distinct races in Dreamlords™ the beastlike creatures of the Thûl, the heavily armoured and religious Covenant and the coldly logical Nihilim.

These races make use of distinct playing styles, not only to enhance game play but also to further the feel of each race and make them truly lifelike.

Thûl are strong and towering creatures that fight directly with their enemy, they are immensely strong and fierce but not always fast. Though there are Thûl who sacrifice their strength for the speed of four paws. Thûl units are mostly melee troops in small numbers, while they do employ magic to further their efforts most of the warriors rely on brute strength to see them through. The Thûl need blood to progress and without it their war machine stops. To train new types of troops and build more powerful defences the enemies of the Thûl must pay the price.

The Covenant is the holy army of a lost world; they live their lives according to the rules of the Empyrean doctrine and use armours and weapons of steel to defeat their enemies. While the warriors train their arms the priests try to unlock powerful magic to help the warriors on the battlefield. There are both melee and ranged Covenant soldiers but they must use superior numbers and arm themselves well to defeat the enemy. The Covenant is ancient and has fallen from their grace. They progress through the game by searching for lost knowledge, both in the world and through their holy scriptures.

The Nihilim are ruled by their own logic and use any means to defeat the enemy. While physically weaker then both the other races they make use of both magic and bodily techniques that make them a fierce adversary indeed. Warriors sacrifice much to become the machines of death that are needed to secure ultimate victory. The Nihilims great intellects are focused to use tactics beyond the scope of normal creatures to lure the enemy into defeat. This intellect serves them well as they can achieve technology and progress beyond the other races with less effort, the only hindrance is time itself.

The battle is near, what troops will you command on you patria? What race will suit you best; the choices are soon yours to make, Dreamlord.

For more on Dreamlords click here.


Jon Wood