World of Warcraft’s Undermine(d) update is on The War Within PTR. Blizzard has shared another preview, this time taking us right into the hub of goblin technological and cultural advancement: the Undermine zone itself.
The capital of the goblin trade Empire is a city that faces conflict and problems to solve with major cartels in action, as well as regular people. As you explore the zone, you'll meet and learn more about goblin culture, what's important to the people you encounter, and what other problems they are trying to solve that don't necessarily have to do with the cartels. It's a technologically and alchemically advanced place, and yes there is humor and explosions and some promised mayhem to get involved in.
The preview introduces several notable places in the underground zone. The Incontinental Hotel is the first destination, and you’ll meet the concierge, Paks Topskimmer. Slam Central Station is home to the rocket drill train, taking people into the city and back. Where the luxurious goblins go is the Gallagio, with its stylish location and colorful lights. On a completely different track, the Demolition Dome is where Cage of Carnage, the update’s new PvP Arena, is located.
When it comes to commerce, luxury, and tech, the Undermine cartels matter. There are four well-known cartels, with a fifth one looming. Bilgewater Cartel, The Blackwater Raiders, Steamwheedle, and Venture Co are those four, each with their leader or organizer, and their own ways of doing business, and core values.
Stop by the hotel to get some info to help you decide which cartel you want to ally with, letting you do some gigs and earn for your work. The open-world renown track lets you pick and choose, so you’re not locked into a single choice. The Topskimmer Special, a new rocket mount, is one of the items you can get by increasing your reputation.
We also get a preview of a brand new dungeon, Operation: Floodgate. The Darkfuse and Venture Co are working together to blow up a dam and you will have to stop these plans from coming to fruition. Expect four boss encounters for the challenge.