Warframe developers Digital Extremes unveiled Update 30 recently in their first dev stream of the year. We’ve got dates, details, and more.
Revealing the next update name, Call of the Tempestarii (pronounced “Tem-pest-are-ee”), Digital Extremes’ mystical “Davey Jones/Flying Dutchman” theme for Update 30 is couched in ethereal tones, chaotic Void Storms and a redemptive lore-filled Quest. Featuring prominently in the update’s lore is the next Warframe, “Sevagoth”, whose unique Abilities include a second “Reaper form”.
The stream revealed the first Prime Access of the year, the musical player favorite “Octavia Prime”, replete with exclusive space guitar (the "Shawzin"), fresh details on two new seasonal activities, and Quality of Life Dojo upgrades. Players will see a sharp new Zephyr Deluxe included in the update, featuring upgraded Deluxe Landing Craft, Animations and UI.
It's currently set for a March release. The new Warframe, Sevagoth, digs into the ethereal by sowing, reaping and draining enemy souls. Sevagoth offers four classic Warframe Abilities plus the powerful second ‘Wraith’ meter, which, when full, unleashes an exalted Reaper form with three base powers.
Starting Monday, February 1, you will experience Nightwave: Intermission 3 content and, moving into February, players should keep an eye out for two new special new seasonal activities, Star Days and the Lunar New Year. Several new Dojo upgrades promise to please dedicated players who love their Dojo building activities.
Check out the full dev stream below: