Released on mobile and in open beta on PC, Diablo Immortal has several options for control schemes. Now the development team has released a new dev blog on the ins and outs of playing with a controller, features, and a list of supported devices.
During the development phase, the team says they wanted to create a Diablo game that gave players a variety of options and also looked to Diablo 3’s release on console as a bit of a guide. This was the first time the franchise was released on console, and they wanted to adopt various options, both in the name of player choice and accessibility with this new title.
In the decision to also release the game on PC, the development team said that they were building things and adjusting controls to bring the core gameplay and retain the feel of the mobile controls too. In the process, they also noted that they would have controller support for whichever platform you’re on. With full cross-play, this matters since you could choose to go from PC to mobile, and even mobile with controller and the game will just adapt.
In fact, the game will automatically detect whichever input method you're using. So if you connect a controller to your phone or tablet, or even a PC, the game will adjust the input options for you.
The devblog has a list of supported controllers per platform, including their official partner for iPhone. There's a lot of flexibility since you can remap most of the controls (and, if your accessibility needs are even more specific, Diablo Immortal supports the Xbox Adaptive Controller).
For a franchise that has its roots in PC, controller support is something that makes sense when branching out. While the PC release is still in open beta, these options are still available and the team will continue making changes as needed to get to a final launch.
Read the full blog over at Diablo Immortal.