Diablo 4 will open up another round of the Mother’s Blessing event next week, for a slew of special bonuses. Blizzard is also thanking the Diablo 4 community for hitting the goal in the recent Blood Harvest donation campaign, with another gift and a new contest.
From November 20-27th at 10 AM PT, earn yourself gold and XP at a boosted +35% rate in both Seasonal and Eternal realms. The bonus is good across all world tiers too, and to make it even better, it stacks with elixirs and the Urn of Experience. Once the event begins, there will be an in-game icon next to your potion count that will show the boosted rates.
It’s a good time to catch up on any progression goals you might still have for the rest of the month, or the Season of Blood.
Speaking of blood, Blizzard’s blood donation campaign has met its goal of 666 quarts of blood donated across the United States. Meeting that goal has unlocked all in-game rewards and opened the sweepstakes for a new custom PC.
The in-game rewards are issued to all Diablo 4 owners, not just anyone who donated blood. They are skins in tier 1:
- Dagger - Bloodpetal Anlace
- Axe - Bloodpetal Sever
- Necro Offhand - Bloodpetal Heart
- Sword - Bloodpetal Blade
- Druid Staff – Bloodpetal Bludgeon
Tier 2 reward is the Loch Raeth Maor Barbarian armor set. Finally, for reaching the final goal, everyone gets the Vermilion Eye Piebald mount.
The sweepstakes is also open for all those over 18 who “enter for a chance to win by posting a pledge of loyalty to Lord Zir”.
Head to the special Diablo Blood Harvest site for more info.