On January 12, 2024, the latest season for Diablo III titled Season 30: The Lords of Hell was released, which is the first season to utilize the new season theme rotation system.
Within the new season, players will be able to infuse themselves with the essence of the different Hell Lord’s by utilizing Soul Shards. These Soul Shards can be foound all throughout sanctuary, and can be upgraded to cause new pain and suffering to the demons below.
There are seven shards total to collect, each one based upon one of the seven Lords of Hell within the game, and will give players strong demonic powers. Each Soul Shard can be upgraded a total of three times using the Hellforge Ember consumables to wield the higher powers by equipping them into weapons and helms.
The Hellforge Embers are also new to Diablo III and can also be found by killing any mobs within sanctuary, just like the Soul Shards. Soul Shards to have a higher drop rate from bosses within the dungeons and open world, but they do have a chance to drop anytime anywhere.
To read the full list of all the new Soul Shards available and what they can bring to the player, head over here!