
Dark or Light

Dev Chat Summary

Jon Wood Posted:
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On Sunday, the team from The Chronicles of Spellborn stopped by do participate in a developer chat about the game's world and story. Today, Laura Genender summarizes some of the important information that came out during the chat.

Yesterday afternoon, Chronicles of Spellborn's Pierre-Yves Deslandes (PR Manager), Wlfriend Papillon (German Community Manager), Aurelia (English Community Manager), El Drijver (Combat and Game Designer), and Michael Wolf (Lead Content Designer) joined us in the MMORPG.com chatroom for a special dev chat event. When we last spoke with the TCoS team, our focus was the game's unqiue combat system; today's topic, though, was the lore and world of Spellborn.


With Michael Wolf at our disposal, many of last night's questions concerned the story and storyline of TCoS. One of the most interesting topics to me was the TCoS method of allowing users a permanent change on the world.

"There will be events that have an impact on the game." Wolf told us. In fact, these effects will be permanent - things can be altered in ways that are never undone. The players and guilds who first complete these tasks are rewarded sometimes with monuments to them: "We've already told everyone that we will have the Statues there for certain guild events and such...and those will be unique...there will be unique things for players and guilds to have...and people will look at that statue going 'Damn, they beat us to it!'"

Read the whole thing here.


Jon Wood