Following an initial announcement in the EverQuest 2022 roadmap, there are now details on the upcoming server merges coming in June alongside the Live update.
So which servers will be affected? Phinigel and Miragul will be saying goodbye and merging with Vox. The merge is scheduled for June 15th at 6 Am PDT, but Darkpaw says to expect up to 24 hours of downtime across all servers as the team completes both the merges and a Live game update.
Players currently on Phinigel can request a free server transfer starting today, May 18th. This can be used to go to Vox early or to another server. Miragul players won’t get this option due to that server’s previous free Heroic Character ruleset. You can buy a transfer though, should you not want to move to Vox in June.
The team has also given some more info on what you can expect when it comes to logging on to Vox after the June 15th downtime is complete. For one, merges will impact naming, so if your characters’ names already exist on Vox, this will need to be resolved. This won’t just be a blanket solution, since they are considering player activity and commitment.
The player who logs on to their character within 60 days prior to the merge will keep the name, but if both players with the same named characters logged in in the same 60 days. Then there will be another solution where the character with the highest number of minutes played with a character will keep the name. If your character gets extra letters on the end post-merge, your character will get flagged for a free rename.
Guild halls and guilds will be intact after the merge so if your server is being merged you will find everything as expected on Vox. Real estate will merge on the new server, with no action needed, though neighborhood names may change if there are any conflicts.
For more details on the coming server merges, see the announcement and updated FAQ at EverQuest.