The Solstice event is back in Destiny 2, offering some challenges and rewards that bridge the gap until Echoes Act 3 releases.
Join Eva Levante’s latest party, in the annual summer event, now through August 27th (Echoes Act 3’s launch date). Take part in the Bonfire Bash with two other players to earn yourself some Solstice-themed weapons, currencies, and this year's Solstice armor. There’s a twist in 2024, but it should pay off if you take the time.
This year, you craft the armor at the Solstice Forge, a gift from Eva. You'll need to earn currency with activity clears in order to forge your armor. You can use Silver Leaves to take on one bounty per armor type. The harder bounties will cost more. When you complete a bounty you will earn Alloy, based on the type of bounty you completed. As you carry your Forge, you'll get more leaves to continue cycling through as many bounties as you want to complete.
Bungie says the new system is designed to add more flexibility, And it does let you make decisions on what you pursue, when, and in what order you want to upgrade.
This year’s new weapon is the Fortunate Star Void Combat Bow. The bow joins returning Solstice weapons in the solstice loot pool. Keep taking a crack at waves of enemies in bonfire Bash to continue gearing up with new weapons.
Or some shiny new armor, the Sublime Suit. There's also a first-ever Solstice memento, and the Flamekeeper title to add to your collection.
There's plenty of chances to get some of the new loot, or even some of the returning weapons you might be missing from your collection in this year's Solstice event.